Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Get Rip-p-p-p-ed Fiber Friday

It's that time again my fiber folks....bring in those projects that need to be FROGGED (ripped out) . You know you have them, (shoved in old project bags....the dresser drawer....the bag hanging on the door knob..the one in the back of the closet) How did I know?........it's something we all have in common. So bring them out of the closet....all of them....to our GET RIP-P-P-Ped Night. 
Starts at 6pm.....it's our monthly pot-luck...lots of yummy food out there. Rumour has it our chili will surface!!!! So give me a call to RSVP...and yes BYOB..of your beverage of choice..... See you there!!!!!!  563-285-9985

365 Days on a Farm Yarn Shoppe & Boutique and NOW CHAOTIC FIBERS
A fun and interactive place to gather with your fiber friends. Whether you knit, spin, crochet or needle felt this is a home away from home for you! Get inspired, make new friends, get help with your projects! All age groups (over 21 ) and genders welcome! Age restrictions only on this PotLuck Night.....bring your own beverage of choice! A dish to share ! And make sure to RSVP for chair count. (we have lots of space, just want to be sure that we have a chair for everyone) bring your NON Fiber friend! We'll bring the Fiber muse out of the non-believers!
Pot Luck 1st Friday of each month unless otherwise posted.
We carry yarn,fiber for spinning and felting, notions and Boutique items.!!!
We have the largest selection and Variety of Fiber in EASTERN Iowa!
365 Days on a Farm Yarn Shoppe 116 W Davenport street
Eldridge, IOWA 52748
365daysonafarm.blogspot.com 563-285-9985 Phone

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